‘Cultural Artifacts’ cover reveal!
my collection of sf/f/h flash fiction is available for preorder now; out April 8th
I’m absolutely delighted to unveil the cover for Cultural Artifacts, my upcoming collection of science fiction, fantasy, and horror flash fiction. It’s out on April 8th!
(The image is cool, isn’t it? I’ll reveal what is it and where I got it on pub day.)
What is Cultural Artifacts?
Meet an angry kitten, the gods of theater, and the bored young aristocrats of Mars. Take two trips to “the most beautiful planet known to humanity,” and visit Wok Like An Egyptian, “LA’s latest fast friendly food sensation.” Feel frissons of discovery and watch as history is misinterpreted and misunderstood in objects mysterious and quotidian.
Insidious toys, eternal treasures, and instruments of beauty and destruction: Cultural Artifacts is a collection of science fiction, horror, and fantasy flash fiction that offers tasty bites of hope and darkness in tales of infernal devices animated by kind magic and cruel sorcery, in curios that create image and identity, in keepsakes that magnify repression and foment revolution.
Two stories are available free on my Patreon, if you’d like to get an idea of what you’re in for:
Cultural Artifacts is available for preorder (ebook only) now, for only US $1.99 (or local equivalent):
If you join my Patreon by April 1st — or if you are already a Patreon supporter — you’ll get the ebook for free on that day, a week before the official publication date.
I hope you’ll enjoy the ebook. I’m very proud of the stories therein.
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